Renew Massage and Wellness

renew relax rejuvenate

Massage Services

Renew Signature Massage

30/60/90 minutes  $40/$70/$100

Each session is as unique as the individual receiving it. When daily life leaves you stressed to your limits or you can’t shake that recurring headache each session is customized and may include a combination of Swedish techniques ,  hot stones, cupping , warm towels.

The goal is always improved well-being and relaxation.

Pregnancy Massage


Prenatal massage focuses on the mothers needs as her body changes. Pregnancy massage helps to relieve back pain , headaches , stress,  relieves minor edema. * Physician’s consent required

Bellanina Facelift Massage


This treatment   lifts , tones, and firms facial muscles through a series of specialized facial massage strokes and acupressure. Regular and frequent treatments over time help your muscles to be firmer and tighter. We include a massage of the hands , feet , shoulders, neck and scalp.